Living Large

One life, many opportunities

New to this

on February 25, 2014


This is the only picture.

No fancy links.

This is my very first blog entry on my website.  New stuff is scary.  I’ve been meaning to start this blog for over a year, but have found other things to distract me from accomplishing this somewhat tiny task.  That’s what fear will do for you–help you find distractions.

In December 2013, I completed the coursework for my doctorate in Educational Leadership.  I have found every distraction imaginable to keep me from writing my dissertation.  In my mind, it’s a big scary monster. Two nights ago, I dreamed that I was a large commercial airplane crash on my house (no one was hurt).  Interested in dream interpretations, I googled “dream of plane crash”.  Guess what it revealed . . . that I’m afraid of overcoming a big task.  Hmmm.  Wonder what that task might be.  Until Thursday, I would have connected to my past year of being unemployed.  Having received and accepted a terrific job offer, I didn’t connect the dream with unemployment, but with the process of writing my dissertation.

Tonight, there will be no dreams of crashing airplanes.  Tonight, I have conquered a scary task in connecting this wordpress site to a hosting site.  Tomorrow, I will go to my writing spot and focus on getting started on Chapter One (of five).  The scary task of finding a job is behind me.  The scary task of getting this blog started (a distraction from writing a dissertation) is behind me.  For the next three weeks, I have nothing but time to write.

The scary monsters in our lives are our own creation.  I just “poofed” some of mine away.  Where are your big scary monsters?

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